Continuing to better my True Self Wealth program to help people bust their limiting beliefs and install more empowering beliefs, making them unstoppable in whatever they do.
Private Voice Coaching
Coaching private clients on improving their voice and interpersonal communication. I find that few people are aware of how impactful the quality of their voice is. Those who realize this superpower they have recognize how important it is to invest in improving their Vocal Charisma.
JULY 16-17 — Vocal Workshop (Las Vegas, NV)
I'm doing marketing and prep for my two-day workshop called Vocal Mastery Pro which will be held during the pre-conference week at Hypnothoughts Live 2024, the largest hypnosis conference in the world. It will be held at the Sahara Hotel, Resort and Casino. The workshop focuses on helping you take advantage of your Vocal Charisma for maximum influence and communication effectiveness whenever you open your mouth to speak.
JULY 19 — Hynothoughts Live Lecture (Las Vegas)
Also at Hypnothoughts Live this year, I will be presenting for the first time during the actual conference on Friday morning July 19 at 9AM at the Sahara. The lecture will offer you a new framework to help you and your clients make your life more "workable" — get maximum performance and results from what you and your team.
AUG 29 — Singing The Star Spangled Banner @ Super Summer Theatre
Last year I was honored and privileged to be asked to sing the national anthem on Military Night for the opening of the third production "A Gentleman's Guide to Love and Murder" for the local theatre company here Las Vegas. Come again to hear me sing and enjoy the show! This will be at the Spring Mountain Ranch State Park in Las Vegas, NV.